One of the 5 Commitments we ask parishioners to make is to serve in a Ministry. Here at SPX, Ministry is service inside of the parish. Our parish is blessed to offer something for everyone - but that's only possible with your help. There are opportunities for everyone.
Providing music, proclaiming the Word, serving the Eucharist, setting up the sanctuary, and assisting the priest at the altar all have such an impact on our worship each weekend. We also offer a Children's Choir for those in 3rd - 8th grades that sings monthly with at the 5 pm Mass. Serving in these ministries helps each of us fully enter into the Mass.
To serve as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Sacristan, Altar Server or in Music Ministry,
click HERE.
Greet our guests as they enter, assist them in finding a seat or serve them a warm cup of coffee in Cafe Pius. Help guests become members at our monthly New Member Welcome events. Our Hospitality Ministries create a welcoming environment for everyone each weekend.
To serve on the Host Team, Greeter, in Cafe Pius, on the Welcome Committee, or at the Info Desk click HERE.
Help our youngest members come to know their faith and build a life-long relationship with Jesus. Our programs for kids K - 12 meet at different times and have lots of ways for you to serve. During Mass, SLAM also relies on volunteers to bring the message of the Gospel to our kids.
To serve in KidMin, MSM, HSM, or SLAM click HERE.
Serve behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly each weekend. From straightening the pews after mass, to running the screens or creating our sanctuary environment, many hands are needed.
To serve on our Tech (Screens, Sound or Cameras), Online Host Team, OPs or Arts & Environment Teams, click HERE.
Our Small Groups, Bible Studies, and Becoming Catholic programs help your fellow members to dive deeper into their relationships with each other and Jesus. Serving as a leader is a great way to grow your own faith while serving others as well.
To serve as a leader of a Small Group (online or in person), ALPHA, Bible Study, or in Becoming Catholic, click HERE.
The SPX Sodality is an association of women who engage in charitable works, prayer, and service with the Blessed Virgin Mary as their model. Sodality meets once a month on Sunday. All are welcome.
Interested? Please contact Marianne McGucken at [email protected].