Do you ever find yourself wondering what your life is all about? What your purpose is and where you are headed? If you do, you are not alone! We believe that each of us have been given specific gifts and talents to serve God and each other - our true purpose! Bigger than a job or even a career, this greater role in our lives can provide direction and peace when we live with this in mind. As we begin a new year, the scriptures for the next few weeks remind us that we are made for more - more than our career, our schooling, our relationships or all our stuff. Be open to God leading you in a new direction in 2023.
To help us dive deeper into figuring out our indiviual purposes, we've created a Series Guide which will lead you through the next few weeks.
To the right, sign up to have each day's prompt texted or emailed to you!
Next weekend, you will use all of the input from the 3 weeks of reflections go through a prayer experience where God will help you name your specific purpose.
While can do that prayer exercise on your own, we will also offer it in person on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 7 pm in the Church and over Zoom on Tuesday, Jan. 31st
at 7 pm.
For the Zoom Meeting on Jan. 31st:
Click to Join Zoom Meeting:
or Phone 1-301-715-8592 and enter the meeting ID and Passcode when prompted
Meeting ID: 829 5731 6353
Passcode: 8675309